Friday, March 10, 2006

Business cards

I got my new business cards in today. I had to have the old one redone because I wanted to put the blog address on it. I was glad to have a chance to redo them though because although I thought the first one was funny, I don't think anybody else ever got it. I removed my number from the image files for the purpose of posting them here. Lord knows I don't want any of you crazies calling me.

Old one:

I cant take credit for the phrase on the second one....I overheard a driver say something along these lines a while back and thought it was funny.

New one:

*...and I'd like to thank everyone at Phlamingo Design in Montpelier, VT. for their charitable and outstanding efforts once again.


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Andy, Love the website, and it was great meeting you (although briefly) at Sam's Town last weekend with Pat Zande. One question about the business cards though, wouldn't it be good to put your phone number on them so people can call and get a ride? Just a thought....

  2. Yeah man it was nice meeting you as well, I was glad you guys had a good time and didnt get arrested or anything...That said I just had to clean off the pepsi that got sprayed on my monitor. =) My number is on the real cards, I removed it from the img. files for the purposes of posting them here. Good looking out.
