Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I loaded a Mom and her four kids at the MGM the other night...

...they were going out to Sam's Town. If you don't know, Sam's Town is located out on Boulder Highway & Flamingo. It's right by the Silver Bowl if you know where that is. The Dead played some hot shows out there back in the stadium tour days, UNLV wins a football game there every other sesquicentennial. It's about a $25 cab ride from the strip. Anyway, the mom and one of the little girls sat up front with me, the other three in the backseat. Somewhere along our conversation the lady made some off the cuff referral to something crazy she had seen the night before while out on the Strip with her friends. Well, I too have seen some crazy things I thought, so I said that she should divulge the story. I like to hear stories too. Besides, you can't give me that buildup and then not deliver. Right? She laughed and replied saying that she would, but the kids were in the car so she couldn't. It wasn't appropriate. Fair enough. I can respect that. A moment of silence passed and the very next thing out of her mouth took me up until now to fully appreciate the hypocrisy:

Is it ok if I smoke in your cab?


  1. Now that is some funny stuff right there! That's what I've been waiting to read for a few months now- keep those nuggets coming!

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I don't get it.

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Really, that just gives you a good reply the next time it happens. "Ya know, you could but the kids are in the car so it wouldn't be appropriate." Might give them an idea of what they're doing to the kids. My kids haven't seen me have a cigarette for 6 years and I'm a smoker.

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    For the benefit of "anonymous":

    A dirty story about Vegas debauchery might scare the kids a bit, but should leave no permanent damage (unless Mom says she whacked somebody and buried the body out in the desert or something);

    Cigarette smoke, however, will shorten her kids lives.

  5. Brilliant!

    I nominate her for "Mom of the Year".

    Did the little girl sitting in the front at least have her own seat-belt, or does mom win an award for that, too?

  6. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Oh I am so glad you started writing again! I love hearing these stories. Keep it coming!

  7. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Could you please go back and edit that post, "had see the night before", it's driving me crazy! And yeah, the world is full of hypocrisy, in one form or another. I tried to teach my sons honesty, integrety, and respect for others, and smoked in the car with them. Shoot me.

  8. Glad you're back! Now type me something funny and interesting! :-p

    P.S. Seriously, glad you'e back!

  9. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Will the poster obsessed with editing "had see the night before" please edit his spelling of integrity? It's making me crazy.
    Love the new idea for your writing.

  10. Not sure how I missed this before but this is fucking funny!

    "Will the poster obsessed with editing "had see the night before" please edit his spelling of integrity? It's making me crazy.
    Love the new idea for your writing."

    Nicely played dude, and thanks for getting my back. Lol.

  11. Anonymous1:54 PM

    we want more! we want more!

  12. Anon said: "I tried to teach my sons honesty, integrety, and respect for others, and smoked in the car with them. Shoot me."

    Ya know...that last part isn't bad idea.
