Thursday, November 16, 2006

Three valley cabbies robbed

Two nights ago three different cabs were robbed at gunpoint within a four hour stretch. The drivers were held at gunpoint and then struck in the head with the pistol. Thankfully that was all that happened. It sucked leaving the yard knowing that they were still on the loose. Luckily two of the cabs had cameras in them, and thanks to some keen police work the fuckers were caught later that night. Less than 24hrs after committing the crimes. Apparently they were planning a second string of robberies to take place that night. I think the worst part about it was the fact that they were picked up at hotels. The Luxor, Terribles and the Emerald Suites on Trop. All places I pick and drop often. This also gives you a clue as to the mental capacity of our average cracked out criminal.

Three valley cabbies robbed

Two suspects arrested in cab robberies


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    where are you? you OK? I miss the great stories...

  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    How about an update eh?

  3. Theres not a hell of a lot you can do. If you beat the crap out of the robber you can get done for assalt. Drive safely, May your God go with you

  4. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Is there a certain "type" of passenger that you would refuse to pickup in the wee hours of the morning? I saw the photos of those two robbers and if I were a cabbie, I would just refuse service. Can you legally do this?

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Why would you refuse service?
    B/c they are young and black?
    You sir, or ma'am, are ignorant!
