Tuesday, November 14, 2006

*XXVI Update*

Shortly after posting the newlywed story XXVI I got an email from the lovely bride Beth. I had given them my card when they were in the cab....I think I already had it in my mind that their story would end up on the blog at some point. It was awesome to hear from them and I'm glad everything is well. I thought you guys might like to read it, hopefully Beth doesn't mind me posting it. If you do then please drop me a line and I'll remove it. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Mike & Beth... this me "calling you out" for some pictures. Do it for the fans! ;)

From: "Beth"
To: andygnatovich@hotmail.com
Subject: XXVI

Hey Andy!

Glad to see you put our story up! Well, just wanted to let you know that everything is all good here in newlywed land. Everyone really did flip out when we got back. Apparently they also figured that since we got married in Vegas that they'd bet on us.....6 months is the going bet now I believe. We'll go 6 months & 2 weeks just to spite 'em.....even if we're ready to kill each other! But for real, everything's all good and I wouldn't have done it any other way.

Oh yeah, and the pics.....There's a black bar through the middle of ALL of them but like 3. The negatives too!! Ain't that some shit! Talk about an omen, if I didn't know any better I would have went straight from Walgreens to an attorney to file for divorce! Oh well, we got what we went to Vegas to get right? I'll have to e-mail you a few of the pics, that would be the finishing touch to the story.

Just perfect.

We got back to Milwaukee from Midway at 3:30 a.m. Milwaukee time (after being up at 6:30 that morning), didn't even get our freak on then got up and actually went to work that morning. Talk about a couple of nutcases.

This weekend we're going for a short honeymoon (5 days) to Florida and we've decided that we'll be back in Vegas for a REAL vacay within the next 6 months. We'll make sure to use your card and if nothin' else, we'll have to take you out for a cocktail to thank you for our wedded bliss, cuz after all, it wouldn't have happened without you! (and that's what it will say on the divorce papers too! Don't worry...you'll be called as a witness during the trial.) j/k.

Well, keep the stories coming, I've read them all. They're great and it's good to see that ours stands up to them. Talk soon!

Beth & Mike


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM


  2. The Las Vegas MC..
    Ladies and gentlemen We have this young couple here who got married in the Little White chapel of love an hour ago. Guess they showed all you people who said it wouldnt last, cause there still married.
